Friday, June 21, 2013

Mountain Lion easter egg references debut of original Apple Macintosh

How clever.  I just noticed this today.
Mountain Lion easter egg references debut of original Apple Macintosh: Mountain Lion easter egg references debut of original Apple Macintosh
 Incomplete downloads in OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion show a "Date Modified" of Jan. 24, 1984, a reference to the day when Apple's very first Macintosh was unveiled by Steve Jobs.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ross Anderson response about payments system weakness

"You complain that our work may undermine public confidence in the payments system. What will support public confidence in the payments system is evidence that the banks are frank and honest in admitting its weaknesses when they are exposed, and diligent in effecting the necessary remedies. Your letter shows that, instead, your member banks do their lamentable best to deprecate the work of those outside their cosy club, and indeed to censor it."

Zombie Juxtaposition blog coming back to life

I've had it on my TODO list to resurrect my blog posts and import into Blogger and finally started doing it.  So, you'll see lots of former posts coming back.  I'm trying to review each one and clean up any formatting issues or easy to fix broken links or images.

My incentive was that summer is here, but I could not find the recipe for My New Concoction: The Adele Claire.  And I'm also going to be crafting a new creation in honor of my son.  Now it is back so enjoy an Adele Claire and read some history ;-)

It is actually somewhat sad to see old topics back in the news again:

  • FISA, warrantless wiretaps, telecom immunity
  • Obama vs. his former self (he was running anti-FISA)
Oh, how times change yet stay the same...